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Discover a whimsical world of music and language 

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A bilingual, pictural, and musical adventure

Welcome to your bilingual children's musical book! Singing Willows's mission is to help children learn a new language through music and art while having fun.


Your interactive musical book is packed with original songs, vibrant illustrations, and storytelling that will inspire your child to learn, laugh, and dream.


Whether you're a parent who wants to give your child a head start in a new language, or a teacher looking for a fun and engaging way to teach languages through music.

Singing Willows is the perfect choice! 

Order now and give your child the gift of language and music.

Available on Amazon in many countries worldwide!

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Meet the author

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Alexandra Borghino, the project’s creative director, author, singer, and illustrator, founded Singing Willows

in the summer of 2021.


With a background in theatre, visual art, music, and childcare, Alexandra combined her passions to create

a unique project.


She worked with professional musicians to compose original bilingual folk songs and an engaging performance for young children.

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Original songs by professional musicians 

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Book a performance

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Singing Willows offers captivating bilingual performances for schools, children's venues, festivals and private events.


Please fill out the form below to receive more information and book a performance.


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